Here's my plan to start a landscaping business with only $50. Any feedback?

@curiousponderer We have a landscaping business. We focus on lawn care maintenance (75%) but do tree trimmings often. Many tree trimming jobs come from existing clients. You may get to a point where people want to trim a lot more than what you can do with a $40 clipper. Even a small tree, you could have a lot of tree logs. These were some work we did.

@curiousponderer I think it could work fairly easily, but I'd have to think lawn mowing might be the easier one to start with if you can just find a cheap mower and snowball your profits back into the business and then add the ancillary services.

Still I think either could work!
@curiousponderer Have a shirt made with your company name and either a flyer or business cards. Lots of folks have security cameras and will not answer the door for an unknown person. Prominently displaying your company and phone number on the front of your shirt may get more people to actually answer the door knock
@curiousponderer I can say a lot of different stuff, but ultimately you've got enough of plan to go try and see what happens

Go rock n roll


*1 thing - be ready for homeowners to say 'No, I am good....but do you do XYZ also?'

Keep a mental tally of popular tasks, figure out how hard they would be to do, and what they could be sold for.

Bonus Points if you get their contact info and say you'll follow up and to do the task

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