[Feedback] Website not generating much interest - are there red flags?


New member
Hi All, thanks for stopping to have a look, I’m about month 3 into my startup and I am generating some traffic but nothing is converting. I create succulent planters and bespoke concrete items.

For example, this week 200 views, 0 add to carts. That tells me there’s a problem. Could any help me to identify it? My bounce rate is pretty good. Average session isn’t bad but general shopping on my site doesn’t seem to happen. I haven’t made many sales with these items which tells me the product is bad, but at a local market I sold out, so I am a bit confused. I also did a fair amount of research into what I offer to who I offer and why. For example I make succulent, cactus and herb planters. All are specifically designed for drought style plants but can take others.

Any feedback is welcome - thanks in advance!

@hariwahyudi There is a popup that occurs asking "Can't find what you're looking for?" and it appears too soon. I haven't had a chance to look at your items, so it feels pushy.

The other thing I would say is when I scroll down, I expect the top navigation to condense immediately so I can see your goods. It takes 1 or 2 seconds to do that, so the site feels a bit claustrophobic.

Other than that, there is nothing wrong with what you're selling. I would just give your inventory more immediate visibility and remove the popup or at least display it much later. Too many sites drop a similar popup down and it's very off-putting.
@needgodshelp Thanks so much. I’ll amend this immediately.

I know I need to work on product photos and SEO is I think ok now but I need it to filter through.

I’ll get rid of the pop-up and play with the navigation.
@hariwahyudi Agreed on pop up waaaay too soon. Make it after a minute of inactivity.

It deffo is a product I'd need to see/feel before I purchased, I can see it always doing well at markets. If that's something you'll be doing every weekend, include on your website, 'We will be in xx this weekend' or a calendar of where you'll be. Ask for market suggestions too 'Tell us about your local market you think we should be at'. Seek wholesale sales if you can't get to it.

More colour on website pics and more in situ photos showing how your planters/products can enhance a space. The insta is much nicer, colour, a pulse. I was very drawn to the tiny bricks .. do you sell tiny building sets? Seriously cool.

I'd be concerned about postage as it's concrete, I went through your site and didn't see a clear reference to that, maybe clearly reassure it won't cost a small fortune.

empty shelf https://epochhome.co.uk/dodecahedron-planters/
@space769 Thanks so much, I stopped doing the miniature buildings materials for a while, part of me wanted to incorporate it into my planters but I haven’t designed them yet. Your comments are definitely making me doubt my choice now haha.

The dodecs are being processed now, I should really set that page off. I have quite empty shelves for a lot at the moment which I 100% know isn’t ideal but I need to learn what people click on and also want google to index them.

I think you’re right with the markets and colour. I need to add that and markets. Thank you!
@hariwahyudi Don’t succulent planters need drainage holes? Their roots don’t like too much water, so whatever holds them needs the ability to drain (says the person that’s already killed two of them).

You have a nice looking product and decently priced but that would be a turn off for me. And these look heavy, so how much is shipping?
For example, this week 200 views, 0 add to carts. That tells me there’s a problem.

One. Go through the complete order process and make sure it is possible for a user to purchase.

Two. If people can give you money but are not giving you money -- take a hint. These planters seem styled for your home; should one live in a Stalinesque styled housing complex. Brutalism may have its fans, tho. What say we test out styles and let wallets vote?

Three. Nothing about this product makes one believe they are "for" succulents. Does it control over watering? No. That it might help ever so slightly is buried -- so no. Do succulents noticeably thrive better than what they came in? Uh-uh. Is there any possible reason they are 'for succulents'? Not that anyone but you can tell. Perhaps you add that little scrap of trivia on the front page.

Zero is a problem alright. You can bullshit yourself that the business could be viable with some sales. Unfortunately people find it is very difficult to lie to themselves with no sales. Apparently that is the only problem for most web site owners.
@dsx All taken on board, very helpful thank you. How I read that is, I essentially need to put it in people’s face why, my planters are designed for them. I have added a button to “Why Concrete” which explains the benefits and will add something to each product.

Zero is 100% a problem, I want to achieve 2-3% conversion otherwise I’ll face issues on Google and financially. However design-wise it fits in with current contemporary, modern decor and urban decor. I have 0 doubts there is a growing market that I am reasonably early to. My problem with this is my pictures which are bland and uneventful and I recognise that. I need to show people how it fits and why it fits with colour and good design. My house is just SUPER cluttered so it doesn’t make a fantastic photo setting.

Thank you for your help - I can work with the above and hopefully get a more streamline website.
Hey Canada, my wife is Canadian - where abouts are you?

Yeah I shop abroad, but it’s about £12.50ish so like C$25 but I have sent things to Singapore before, I go totally overboard with packaging.

I’ll add something about it, but after the England football game! But hank you for helping.

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