Finally, I crossed $3k+ in revenue from just 3 clients


New member

I'm Erfan. For those who don't know me, I run a product design subscription agency Pentaclay

I launched my subscription agency last November. Since then I got 11+ leads and 3 repeated clients to my design subscription.

I also had a couple of fixed-price clients with my $97/landing page design offer.

(Now the price increased to $149/landing page) Out of 10 only 3 spots are left.

How my marketing works 👇

1. X (formerly Twitter)

I post about my design journey mostly there. Also, I shared how I acquired my first client, my design process, and FREEBIES.

I was able to get one subscription client from there and a couple of $97/landing page design clients.

2. Indie Hackers

I share long-form posts there with tips and tricks on how to grow on X, how to grow your design agency, what's working for me, and what's not. Like this post, all my posts provide value to the Indie Hackers.

I got a couple of leads from IH, but not converted as far as I know.

3. Reddit

Reddit is a good source of traffic for me. I actively get 50-100+ visitors per day. I share my achievements and problems or ask for help in different subreddits.

I got multiple leads from here too. But not converted any yet.

4. Dribbble

As a designer, I used to get many clients from Dribbble 3-4 years ago. But now things changed. I occasionally get some client messages. For Pentaclay, no clients converted yet. But I started posting again, things might change in the future.

It works only for Designers.

5. LinkedIn

I share some selective posts from my X on LinkedIn. Engagement is good there, but recently it's been saturated. Mostly I share my design works and tips for the newbies.

I got my first design subscription client from here.

Apart from the above, I shared my startup to different directories like onepagelove, 10words, 1000tools, etc. I'm getting a good amount of traffic daily from onepagelove.

I tried cold outreach 2 times within these 3 months but never got any luck.
@srod Very nice journey! Congrats for your work! I’m on X too and sharing my dev journey :) I’m gonna follow you (@jp_alary) if you are interested, let’s connect :)

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