Financial forecasts: B2B with large LTV


New member
Hi guys
We are B2B selling to mid size wealth managers/IRAs
A LTV is ~1M

I usually use CaC/LTV ratio starting at 1 and growing to 3.5 to estimate the CaC itself
But for large contracts like this it can't work as the salary of a salesman is like 50k and my cofounder selling is not even paid

We would need multiple years for one salesman to sign one contract

How do you estimate CaC/project acquisition in such cases?
@reformed Wealth management here. Can't help you much with valuation but if you have any question for people in the industry feel free to reach out!

I deal more with forecasting portfolio returns and evaluating risk but I know a good deal of the business as a whole as we all work ss small teams to manage the funds. If I can be of any help feel free to reach out!

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