Finished Building an AI Caller, Unsure About Launching – Advice?


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I made an AI caller, where one can talk with AI on a phone number.

Had tweaked it to a use case: where I can delegate the AI to call someone on my behalf &hold the conversation.

Once the call is done, it summarizes the conversation & sends it to my WhatsApp/Slack/other.


1. Call friendName and see if he is available to meet at X time at Y Place on Z date.

2. Call employee1 and check if has completed the task1 & task2? Check what is he planning to finish this week.

Not sure, if this would be useful for others & is it a good idea to pursue.

Do you think I should launch this?

Why don't I launch it already and check? I have built the code, but it doesn't have Login/Signup and other boilerplate stuff.
@xbrony That sounds like an incredibly innovative tool! The use case you described for delegating calls and summarizing conversations is super intriguing.

In my experience, time management and prioritizing communication are two of the biggest challenges for busy professionals (and I'm betting a lot of entrepreneurs feel the same). Your AI caller could be a game-changer for those who struggle with both!

Here are a few things I'd consider to gauge its potential:
  1. Target Audience: Who would benefit most from this? Is it solopreneurs, executives, or even specific industries (like sales teams)? Defining this helps with your messaging.
  2. Additional Features: Are there other use cases besides scheduling and task follow-ups? Could the AI handle customer support calls, for example? Exploring the breadth of its capabilities could expand your market.
  3. Pain Points: What specific frustrations does this solve? Is it about saving time, reducing cognitive overload, or something else? Focusing on the "why" will make your marketing more compelling.
I'm actually working on a similar project called Aspire AI, but it's more focused on goal setting and productivity planning. It utilizes AI to create personalized plans and keep users on track.

I'm curious if there might be potential for collaboration down the road, especially if our target audiences overlap! Feel free to check out my profile for more info on Aspire AI.

Good luck with your launch decision – sounds like you've built something really cool!
@monty1 Thanks for the elaborative reply.

Selecting a Target Audience is the biggest pain. Unable to figure out who is the right customer base for such a product. It can handle customer support calls, but then I'm not sure if I should only aim at that industry. I was thinking of maybe having it open-ended and then understanding which audience is using it more or is more sticky to the product.

Another idea I had was to aim it towards HR & Solo Founders who are trying to hire. Job posts attract a lot of applicants, maybe it can help call the applicants for a short interview and then shortlist the best ones.

Good luck with Aspire. I wish I could see a gif or a video of it in action before I decide to sign up for the waitlist.

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