FireFuel- a weekend retreat to address the personal and professional development needs of young professionals


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I'm an MBA student, entrepreneur, and camping professional with 10 years experience in youth development. I believe I have the skills and team to develop a weekend retreat for young professionals that will be a highlight experience of their year, give them practical tools for more success professionally, and build a network of people in my city.

I know the location I would hold the retreat at and all associated costs, margins are very strong.

I have built a landing page to gauge interest and am conducting customer discovery interviews to determine pricing and what professional and personal development aspects to cover. I intend to hire professionals to fill in those curricular parts and to make their presence a selling point (once I understand what is needed more clearly).

The experience and the curriculum should be the selling point. I worry this sounds and looks like a "feel-good" Tony Robbins style motivational retreat, but I'm trying to build a functional purpose and brand that isn't about feeling good, but actually learning how to be good at what you do.

If you are a young professional and want to help me out:

If you manage or supervise those between about 22 and 35 and want to help me out:
I worry this sounds and looks like a "feel-good" Tony Robbins style motivational retreat

I don't go but have familiy who do

are you aware to the size of Robbins' crowds? the cost to attend?

you'd do very well to achieve 5% of those results
10 years experience in youth development

Well. I'd expect around one hundred percent develop into adults after ten years. Mad skills.

The experience and the curriculum should be the selling point. I worry this sounds and looks like a "feel-good" Tony Robbins style motivational retreat, but I'm trying to build a functional purpose and brand that isn't about feeling good, but actually learning how to be good at what you do.

If so, there's only one way: Evidence. Case history. As a 'pro' with ten years under your belt -- this should be self-evident. Results. Ditch the 'youth development' for something that seems like the youth actually developed into something more than adults. 'kay.