$650 in gutter cleaning jobs booked - first weekend - I've never cleaned gutters before

@justadog I LOVE that you have business booked with no idea how to do it.

Ladder, good grippy shoes. Couple of tarps, couple of buckets, gutter scoop are the basics. Some gutter guards can be tricky to remove/work around. Perhaps a leaf blower or shop vac, as well.

As they say, 80% is just showing up. Good luck! Stay safe!
@yell Not really. There are attachments for both leaf blowers and pressure washers to do the job, but you'll have to go up and inspect and tinker to do a good job regardless.
@justadog 5 jobs @ 650 is way too low. You should have insurance for both the homeowner and yourself. So many safety precautions when using ladders and walking on a roof.

This post makes me nervous and I've been cleaning gutters for 16 years.
@jonah55 Depending on your area, a min of 150-200 just to show up.
Some guys do linear foot, so $1-2/foot.
Don't forget to clean-up any mess you make and have a plan for all the debris you remove.

You should be making 100-200/ hour before expenses. It's dangerous. Take it seriously.

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