First class freelance jobs & business building resources to your inbox daily


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Hi all. I've created FuelanceLeads.

With it I send you the latest hand picked, high value freelance jobs and gigs along with business-building resources delivered to your inbox every single day

It came about because of four pain points that practically every freelancer experiences…
  1. Constantly having to search for freelance work e.g. sifting through job boards
  2. Having to take on remote work and basically become an employee when work dries up
  3. A lack of tools and resources to keep skills sharp and grow businesses and careers
  4. Lack of time which can affect quality of work and output
Being a freelancer for many years I experienced every one of those pain points and know them all too well.

And it's not just freelance and contract work you get either. I find the high paying one time projects, corporate gigs and short term opportunities by monitoring hundreds of communities like Reddit and Slack, social networks like Twitter and LinkedIn and even hidden recruitment software, applicant tracking systems and more.

On top of this you get amazing templates, tools, interviews, industry news, scripts and resources sent through to build your skills and freelancing business with.

Check it out and give it a shot on the 7 day free trial at FuelanceLeads. And let me know what you think!