People with day jobs and working on your SaaS at the same time

@gtr1963 I make sure that there are bold and clear lines between work and my projects for legal reasons. I also spend mornings, nights and weekends that do not involve my family on my projects. The time isn’t much and things go slowly but it adds up. You just have to expect that something that would take you a week to develop will take twice as long. I have to constantly check myself on what I would like to do vs what is feasible. For example I have a backlog of things I want to release in a sprint and I’m constantly moving things to the next because I was over zealous thinking I had enough time.
@truckingalongforgod Depending on your work contract depending on what you develop it could be in conflict and making sure that you have gone through the proper measures with your job to clear your outside work is just a good idea. If you are working in the tech industry you don’t want your company coming after you saying that they own your product because it was made during company hours or is close to what they do so it’s their IP.

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