First time founder building a SaaS product… but I feel like it’s always needing one more thing… before beta launch


New member
Hi everyone, first time founder here. I’ve been working with a overseas dev, and I feel like im inching closer to the beta launch.

But I am thinking… well it should have this before launch… and that… and can’t launch without this…

How do I set those feelings aside? Im afraid that the app won’t be good enough to get beta testers.

What do I do?!

EDIT: Thanks to everyone who provided the feedback and support. I truly appreciate it.

I’d like to ask for the sub’s support with beta testing. I have a brief survey to help me quantify the beta testing audience traits. So if you’d participate in testing, please fill it out and I’ll send instructions :)

Survey link
@meduhsinman Just launch with a broken version start getting users and improve as you go otherwise you’ll never get to the bottom of it ( coming from a sass founder )
@joyfulspirit68 yes! just ship it.

a lot of people do this when their dev starts to drag.

if you don't ship fast you'll get stuck in a rut forever. momentum is key.

so yea ship it. if you feel stuck surround yourself with people who have a successful mindset so you can bounce ideas since you're going to want to iterate super fast and may feel heavy stress shipping at a high speed. reading biographies from successful business people can be helpful too or reading or fill the same need, it's kind of a modern version.

shipping mindset is super important. just launch and iterate. if you delay any longer you'll lose momentum and plateau. ideas are great til you have 10 competitors. strike while the irons hot!
@meduhsinman you can ship without feature with just landpage with concept too, just to see if there is market fit. use MOSCOW prioritization and create niece visual of the cool features list as roadmap in the landing page. you might think X,Y,Z is needed before go live, but what if customer dont want X,Y,Z but wanted A/B/C ? so test it.
@meduhsinman get it to 99% functioning and launch it i know you're probably doin circles in your head about a million things and procrastination but its easier to just get the ball rolling and start improving as you go