Fix the leaky bucket : Reduce Churn : Scale 2k MRR to 10 k MRR


New member
Spoiler alert : post to build awareness on how my product can solve your retention problem. :) :)

Tell me if you disagree :

Why does a customer churn :

While there could be many reasons for a customer to leave a platform, the most common is when a customer is "not spoken to" and " taken care".

The converse is if you make your "customer" invested with your product and listen to voice of your customers he or she is most likely to stick longer despite some shortcoming in the product...

Its common sense, right ?

So what can we do to improve engagement..

Add a feedback board to communicate with your customers :
  1. Use the board to announce new features to your customers .
  2. Take feedback from customers on the new features.
  3. Ask for what customers need.
  4. Communicate when will the new features be ready :)
It cannot be simpler than this.

Trust this small change will improve your customer retention.

Go ahead try
