Friendly Reminder that Y Combinator’s Startup School is Free


New member
Headline says it all. Got some golden nuggets in there.

One of the big ones they teach early on is launch and launch and launch again.

A lot of founders launch to the sound stages of crickets. So what do you do? Give up? No! Launch again!

AirBnB launched 3 times!

If you’re feeling stuck, go to Startup School. There’ll be something for your whatever stage you’re on. Or ask ChatGPT for advice. It is to me The Great Unstucker.

Good luck everyone!
@thomass I found startup school so useless when I tried it in 2020.

Maybe it changed now but back then it was basically a course on how to be liked by investors and how to raise funds, nothing to do with running an actual business.

It was full of people who wanted to feel like startup founders. Basically LARP.
@pazzz To each their own but I think in any course even the most useless ones you should take the things you can learn and drop everything else

Takeaways and info that you SHOULD objectively find useful in Startup School

Cold emails that were actually sent and converted - even if you have a cold email outreach that already works you should test 10% of your pipeline with new templates you can get from here

Launch and launch and launch again - you think this is obvious but literally too many people launch once and give up.

But if you can’t find anything useful AT ALL, again it’s free which means you can drop it anytime without spending a penny. Given the creds of people providing the course, it’s a no brainer to at least try it.
@thomass Startup schools are feel goods. Nothing wrong with them in if themselves.
There are some good takeaways for sure.

The most useful insight to take away is not to get sucked into the buzzwords and jargon about how little you know and need to catch up on, but to start building the tasks that you can realistically hold yourself accountable to to get some milestone big or small accomplished.

Get a mentor or multiple that can help you build a framework or structure around your vision and how to keep hammering away at that. It’s far too easy to get pulled into rabbit holes that move you away from the real goals.

Source me : 2x exit 5x co founder

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