Frustrated with what to buy when it came to online fashion I created a tool to help me


New member
There is so much low quality and unsustainable fashion out there and I was having hard time determining what is a good to buy. Then I came across a woman talking about natural fibers in fashion on TikToK. She explained how natural fibers in clothing make the items last longer, are more comfortable against the skin and they are sustainable unlike synthetic fibers. That’s where my idea came from a tool to assess the quality of a clothing item based on it’s fabric composition. That’s exactly what my tool does so you can make an informed purchasing decision. Here is my PH link if you are interested
@carose This would be really awesome as a plugin that analyzes fabric from clothes sold in online stores and tells me if it would be nice/comfortable to wear before I buy
@biblicaleq Yeah I thought about making this a chrome extension but online stores vary to where you can find the fabric composition of clothes. But I may build it, it will just take some time to develop.

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