Gaining subscribers from a meme ad

@spcoastie From your copy or landing page I really can't tell what I'm signing up for. All I can garner is your product will some how help find pmf. But the question is how? Until then I wouldn't sign up.
@mcg The premise of the product is to help you find trends before they explode. I thought the subheading on the landing page "discover saas trends before they take off" was a good "how" but obviously not.

What would make it more clear for you as to the value we offer?
@spcoastie The landing page needs an example or something of how it works. All I see on the ad and landing page is "an idea" but I have no idea how the execution looks like.
@spcoastie I must say that most marketing books emphasize selling the benefits, not the features.

I have a blog I wrote explaining the big picture of my algorithm and some theory. Am I better off publishing this or keeping it as a trade secret? It explains the big picture (there is no code).
@spcoastie I was supporting the way you did it. I have read many many marketing books and they say to do what you did. Perhaps you need to allude to your special sauce without giving away the secret. That is what my comment was about.
@rileysdad Oh I see what you mean. Thank you. In your case a blog is a lot different because it’s long form so explaining is justified. Unless you can find a way to say a lot without truly giving things away

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