How we grew our newsletter to $125 MRR and 300+ subscribers before we even launched

@twointwomillion Appreciate the compliments! Here's what I got for ya:
  1. It's built on Webflow. They are an up-and-coming website builder. Granted, it's made for designers, so it's not super easy to plug-and-play. I have fallen in love with them as I've gotten more comfortable with it, and I truly believe they have the potential to be better than Wordpress or Shopify. I'd recommend checking them out.
  2. We were stoked because it was an early test, and one done on a new marketing channel. It basically gave us 'hope' that FB down the road might work well for other paid avenues. At the start we selected a hyper-niche FB group, so once we could prove value to those customers, we interpret that by meaning it will scale. You are correct though that the CAC is the same. TL;DR - we did things that didn't scale to de-risk spending money on advertising with too many current unknowns.
  3. No - and that's something we're trying to figure out. At the moment, our longest subscriber is 3 months old (when we started), so we're just too young to guestimate that right now. We are hoping to average 6-8 months (again, on average. Some will stay one month, some could stay a year. Just depends on the audience).
Thanks for the article - I'll be sure to check it out over lunch today. :)
  1. Looks absolutely beautiful. It’s crazy what’s possible without code nowadays.
  2. Makes sense! Seems like you’re on the right track. 1 mistake I made which you should avoid: figure out what’s working and double down on that. Sometimes we fall into the trap of wanting IG, Influencers, FB, etc. to work for its own sake. (I’m half way through on essay on that which I’ll publish in this sub later today.)
  3. Good job buddy. Keep an eye on cohorts, CAC, and LTV and you’ll be fine. Congrats!

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