Google Ads Performance

@stevent2323 I see no mention of your face to face sales efforts, are you selling face to face? Are you on CraigsList? Is your work vehicle wrapped? Do you wear company tagged apparel? Are you giving a bizcard to everyone you meet, literally every stranger you meet in the stores you go to? Do you have a an elevator pitch (10 second, 30 second, one minute) for your companies service? Are you able to give a rough estimate over the phone or in person? These are the core marketing and sales functions that sweaty start ups and established companies do to stay ahead of the competition. Your neighbors are your customers, go meet your customers. They won't bite.
@stevent2323 Change device exclusively to mobile. Change hours targeted to when your customer would be on-site and shortly after. Target the zip codes of current customers.
@stevent2323 Facebook leads - target people who have business pages


-easy to get started
-no need for reputation 
-large audience


-impulsive shoppers
-pay per view, not by click
- lower quality lead

Google ads -


-high quality leads
-motivated buyers
-good targeting/retargeting


-You need reputation with established gmb
-need a solid website that's designed for converting
-you need to protect your ads from fraudulent clicks


When starting out, fb is the best way to go. Just to get initial customers you are going to want to have a price in your ad that gets people's attention. Also, videos convert higher than images. Use a time-lapse video with a wow factor for instant success. Your going to need to spend at least $10 per day, but most of us spend a lot more.

-When starting a business we have to stop thinking like cost saving consumers. It doesn't matter if you spend 10k per day in ads if you making 100k per day in revenue. It's not what you spend, it's what you make. Long term goal, find out how.much you can afford to pay per customer and still make as much money as you want
@stevent2323 Honestly, you should setup google guarantee ads.
It’s way easier to control and you’ll get almost the same cost per leads or even better than ppc.
@stevent2323 Pay, Spray, and Pray is a poor marketing program at best

While the Google ads are “hard at work”, many entrepreneurs redirect their time and spend to non-marketing activities, later wondering why no one is actually calling them or requesting contact via form submit

Marketing and high intent lead acquisition is a hands on business

It demands actively creating a differentiated point of view, framework, and messaging delivered directly to where potential high intent prospects spend their time learning about new products and services, in the way that they want to consume it

Focus on teaching them about your value and why you are different than the competition, not simply clicks and impression volume

Clicks don’t sell. Inbound high intent sells. Focus on what will generate inbound high intent requests, not ice cold low intent clicks

That comes from your perceived prowess not your mere presence

Feel free to DM if you would like to chat

@stevent2323 I spend about $1,200 USD on Google ads per month and we generally see around 17k revenue from it. My advice is double check your keywords and up your budget. You need to pay to play when it comes to Google ads and a lot of marketing in general. The more you pay the more you'll see in return. It's scary at first, trust me I know, but when your phone starts rig ing off the hook it will pay for itself. At this point I have an employee field the calls and I follow up to schedule service.
@stevent2323 Hi there! It's great to see you taking proactive steps with your Google Ads. Given your metrics, it seems like targeting and ad copy could be areas for improvement. Consider refining your keywords to be more specific to your services and location.

One tool that might help you fine-tune this is SERPtag. It allows you to track and analyze your keywords as well as those of your competitors, which can give you insights on what's working for others in your industry. This might help you get more targeted traffic and potential leads. Good luck with your advertising efforts!

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