Great side project idea

My thesis: Everyday consumers can't keep up with all the new AI tools and innovations - let alone take the time to learn how to use them.

This creates an opportunity for people to become an 'AI Middleman'.

What’s an AI Middleman? Someone who doesn’t build the AI, he simply finds people who could benefit from using it, sells the service, and then lets the AI do the heavy lifting.

Here’s an example: Many real estate agents are paying $1,000’s have homes furnished with decor, couches, etc. so they present nicely online (shitty photos of empty homes = less interested buyers).

Tools like Virtual Staging AI, Fill3d, ReStage AI make it possible to transform empty homes into visual masterpieces all with AI - this all costs less than $1 do to.

The Idea: Spin up a service leveraging these tools and sell on-demand virtual staging for $500/month.

Here’s how I’d do it:​

Step 1: Customers

Unlike many industries, real estate agents WANT you to reach out to them. Finding their emails is so easy. But, We’re not looking to talk to just any agents. Through Zillow and RedFin, you can find pictures of listings and homes that are unstaged. These are the agents we want to reach out to.

Step 2: The Offer

We’ve all received shitty marketing emails where someone is pitching their service, wanting you to buy something, or trying to get you to jump on a call. The problem with these emails is that they don’t provide value. Try something like this:

------Hey {Real estate agent name},

I was looking through Zillow and saw your property on {insert address}.

I took the liberty of making the thumbnail photo stand out a bit more (totally free of charge) - see the attached image.

If you’re interested, could upgrade all your photos for less than $500!

Just say yes and I’ll send over more details.

PS You’d increase the sale price by 5% with better photos.------

With an investment of $100 and a weekend of work, you’ll have high-quality offers sent to 100 potential buyers.

For the critiques:​

  • Why wouldn’t agents just use the AI tools themselves?
    • Why do we hire plumbers to fix simple drain clogs? Why do guys pay barbers for a buzz cut they could do blindfolded? Because we don’t want to learn how to do it ourselves. We don’t have the time, energy, or desire to figure it out. AI is no different.
  • People on Fivver do this already!
    • You’re right! Fivver is a great way to see where demand is. Just like design and marketing agencies still thrive in a world crammed with DIY Canva designs, it's not about the service; it's about how you serve it. The unique marketing tactics, the pricing model, and the brand you build set you apart.
If you like this, you can check out more ideas here.
@b%E1%BA%A1ch0933 Given that 90 percent of my career has consisted of googling things for myself or other people, and I know that asking AI is no different- this is absolutely the golden ticket. It doesn’t matter how powerful AI is, people still aren’t going to know how to use it. Except those of us who do- and now we get to build infinitely powerful services with it. And sell them.

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