HELP! Retract and resubmit or stay the course?


New member
We have entered the last week of hearing back from YC and I am getting cold feet -- for pretty good reasons!

We are a team of 4 serial entrepreneurs who submitted our application on the last day for S23. Our idea is an obvious generative AI wrapper for B2B sales, which currently operates as a productised service. We started in late March and got our first revenue (a few thousand dollars) from our first couple of clients in the beginning of May so we updated our application with the latest progress last week.

After reading every post on r/ycombinator I am fairly certain that our idea is too generic and indistinguishable from rejected S23 applications and already funded S22 and W23 startups. I therefore wrote an email to apply@yc last week to ask if we could retract and submit a new application or whether they would advise against it given our traction and late hour for the summer batch.

Two of us already interviewed with YC for another idea a year ago. Our new idea is less obvious than our current, still has good founder fit and remains within the AI space but no traction or customer interviews. It would qualify as a hard pivot but nevertheless we have fairly strong conviction because it is a felt problem.

Should we retract our current application and submit a new one which is arguably a more promising YC case or are we better off sticking to our guns with the existing application which makes money but is in a super red ocean competition-wise?

Something like 52% of funded startups get in with just an idea but I would like to know your thoughts on whether we would still be in consideration for the current batch with a resubmission this late. As I understand, YC is a bit underwater from a high amount of applications this batch. My worry is they won't get to new submissions.
@ineedjesus7 IMO you are approaching your conundrum from the wrong angle. It is you job to figure which idea is worthwhile doing not YC's; so if you cant tell which idea to go with, your chances of getting into YC are slim.

That is not to say that you should stick with your old idea so that you can appear strong and convicted in front of YC. That makes you sound like you are trying to trick yourself into YC.

It's good that you are questioning the basis of your original idea; now it is up to you to figure out which idea is the one worthwhile to pursue.
@ineedjesus7 If you do resubmit the chances are very high that you'll get rolled over into applications for the next batch. I'd just hold it out and wait until the 26th. I've heard that people get invites up until the last day, so don't worry about it too much.
@ineedjesus7 Why do you think generic ideas are bad? 99% of Ycombinator startups is generic ideas. 99% of successful startup is generic ideas in boring spaces. that's all about team, speed, execution and etc. idea just need to have pmf - that's all.
@ineedjesus7 100% stay on course if team is great. That’s all that matters. YC knows a great would figure best course of action for an idea/company including pivot. Stay honest about it during interview. Good luck!
@sarjp Pasting the same reply again to hear if you feel differently about your advice:
Thanks for the reply! We're still waiting for apply@yc to come back on this quandary. For full context our current idea is basically this but as a service rather than a Shopify plugin:
Moreover, as mentioned, YC already funded AI-powered cold/sales email outreach startups in W23 and S22 so it feels unlikely that they'll fund another.
@ineedjesus7 Having competition is not a bad thing. Having no competitors is probably more of a red flag to be honest. What YC and other investors are betting on is that you’re the team that can win this. You need to focus on demonstrating that you have the skills to move fast and capture the market.
@benlind Pasting the same reply to hear if you feel differently about your advice:
Thanks for the reply! We're still waiting for apply@yc to come back on this quandary. For full context our current idea is basically this but as a service rather than a Shopify plugin:
Moreover, as mentioned, YC already funded AI-powered cold/sales email outreach startups in W23 and S22 so it feels unlikely that they'll fund another.
@ineedjesus7 No need to repost the same reply that doesn’t really add to the conversation… if you aren’t confident you can win the market then switch ideas. If you still think there’s a chance you can pull it off then stick with it.

If you change now I don’t think they will reconsider anything for this batch. If they liked the team but not the idea they would tell you and encourage you to try a different idea.

At this point you should be thinking about where you could be in 6 months or further when it’s time to reapply. If you think you could put enough together to convince them then try it. You do already have some traction. If your feelings for this have changed and you don’t think you’ll have a convincing case for any VC in the future, then definitely pivot.

And if you have another idea that might be better then maybe try to feel that out more by talking to potential customers and trying to get commitments before you actually pivot. Maybe it’ll turn out to be a better option or maybe you’ll find what you have right now is already better than the other idea.

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