Hire remotely: Google docs for tech interviews


New member
Hi All!

Rahul here đź‘‹ Thanks for letting me be a part of this subreddit!

1 year ago I wanted to learn how to quit my job as a programmer and code my own salary out of thin air.

I was interviewing a lot of people remotely back then in my day job. Google-docs and collab-edit were the two tools I was using along with telephonic calls.

My company even had purchased Microsoft teams and lots of interviews happened via screen-sharing as well.

I thought there should be a dedicated product for taking remote interviews as these tools were not doing justice to the process. 1 year into it, working over weekends, early morning and late evenings, I built intervue.io (https://www.intervue.io)

It's not an easy path to follow. The struggle is real. So today, I am not shying away and asking for help!

If you’ve got a couple of minutes, would you mind letting me know how you find intervue.io as a tool?

I’d appreciate it!

Thanks again for reading this much. Do not hesitate to write a comment or give your opinion!
@pshafer14 I'm confused, is it just a straight copy of coderpad? Even the details of the UI look identical. What's the difference, why spend so much time creating an app that exists?
@colinscouser Four major things:
  1. Home assignments (it has a complete home-assignment track where before live interviewing you can even send the home assignment to a candidate)
  2. Question bank (curated list to ask the candidate on the go)
  3. Developers can share pieces of code as well using a sandbox environment
  4. Full code editor on the cloud (currently in alpha mode)
Few other things:
  1. UX
  2. Offering
PS: Another side of don’t start something because someone else is working on the same thing or has done that thing before is that you better be damn sure that at least one facet of your product or service is off-the-charts better than your competitors. It could be pricing, speed, convenience, design, selection, features or security, and trust. As an entrepreneur, you have to believe that competition will make the services better and more available at the end of the day!

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