Honestly, how much would you pay for someone to design/build your MVP? (if anything) - e.g. brand, website, and application


New member
I see people charging $40k+ for this service, but I don't quite understand how people are able willing to spend that much on a product that's yet to be validated.
@despreate 15-25K.. but I write a lot of the code.. and make the architectural decisions. Smaller apps I can usually get done under 5K... AND to be clear.. I can hire senior devs in India pretty easily without the middle man. remote.com simplifies it.. and I have a pretty good pipeline.. since I've been working with offshore devs for 20+ yrs. Simple pages apps.. I can knock off on my own in a day .. including blog, stripe, auth... protected areas. Currently running 5 SaaS products. I heavily use AWS cloudformation templates.. and react bootstrap app we built years ago.
@djkatt17 Nice! Damn you sound efficient, love it! Remote.com looks incredible as well, going to check this out. That's interesting, yeah I bet once you've built once type of product you can re-purpose the code to become more efficient. Awesome, what are your SaaS products?
@despreate It really depends on what’s in your mvp. Range can bejust figma ($500-$1000), Simple stuff ie landing page + no code app ($1000-$2000), simple web app- web client + db + some backend ($2000 - $10k) anything more is depends on what’s in it.
@despreate You need to pay what it costs the MVP to get developed. If it costs 40k to develop, and you can't or don't want to pay that, reduce the scope of your MVP.

@despreate With those agencies, you're purchasing proven, premium and heavily custom services. In terms of validation, that is often times baked in to those deals in the discovery and design phases.

Typically you still validate early and often with user interviews, then user testing, and even a beta to then flow back into the MVP launch.

But as others have mentioned, there are always different pricing and budget levels depending on how much expertise you want focused on the creation of the brand, or website, or application.

There will always be lower cost options if you look hard enough.
@dbbell Great insight, yeah I feel like the ranges are so wide. Purhaps I'm so used to focusing on individual project MVPs, instead of larger scale corp products.
@despreate You cannot fix price an MVP without discussion of what’s included and what’s the scope.

For a complex mvp such as marketplaces, price point is 90k+ where you have web and mobile, payments , booking, reviews etc ..

I do this for a living. Most expensive MVP I built > $1M , cheapest 30k.

But we are talking huge platforms in regulated industries, multiple apps.
@abdulmasih Hmm, what about if you have a fixed price, but then you fit their idea into what you can offer within your fixed price? Or do you think that's just leaving money on the table, as well as not giving the client what they really want? - think i'd struggle to scope out a project in terms of pricing, seems like a guessing game.

90k+, wow! But, like you said, guess there is so much functionality and moving parts.

Nice! Bet that $1M was pretty epic, can't even fathom the complexity of it haha. What's your business btw?
Nice! Bet that $1M was pretty epic, can't even fathom the complexity of it haha. What's your business btw?

It's certainly more than 1M (it's 1M+ for confidentiality) is a full fledged Medical System
  • Medical Grade
  • Compliance with all sorts of regulations in North America (HIPPA, PIPEDA, Canadian Province specific regulations)
  • Doctor, Secretary and Admin, Patient Platforms (that's like 4 apps)
  • Full team including Design Team, Dev Team, QA Team. (25+ team members)
I'm a fractional CTO and a Software Development Agency owner. I just work on large and complex projects. No simple apps for me.

A founder walks in with a vision and nothing else, walks out with working software deployed in prod in about 90 days.

My team does requirement gathering, features, UI/UX , coding, QA, and I even help the founder with fundraising and pitch decks, business model etc. And I connect the founder with other relevant people such as marketers.

Most things we ship in 90 days, Medical was an exception coz that thing is a beast. I fell in love with the founders, and ended up taking equity as well, and I have skin in the game.
@despreate In a previous life I worked in b2b in enterprise delivering professional IT services. Fixed price works when you spend months with client and write iron clad requirements that you price.

With entrepreneurs, especially first time ones, I find myself filling lots of blanks and asking questions that they have no answers for, and lots of things change on the fly as we work through discovery.

So fixed price will almost never work as changes happen too frequently. We are really good at managing change, however it is difficult to make it work. Your business domain is almost unknown, and so is your business
Model as a startup.
@4beasts If you want to copy them feature by feature this is about a year worth of work +. Even more if you consider their enterprise offering.

What I encourage entrepreneurs to do is to niche down. Who needs part of this?

If we look at their case study https://www.klaviyo.com/customers we see their case studies are mostly in ecom .. can you niche down to , let’s say ecom for toys ?

Ecom for toys , might not need email , and sms , and push. Maybe email only would do.

And now you can do deeper features, and instead of being “the generic e-commerce marketing automation”, you become the one and only marketing automation for you ecom

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