How and where to find a business partner


New member
What places would you recommend me visiting to find a partner for my U.S. venture? How would you approach this?

Some background:

I'm running a small but stable web design business in my country in Europe. The whole business is much more profitable in the U.S., but the reason I'm striving to get into the U.S. market is the fact that I have about 8 years of experience in certain type of online marketing and SEO in U.S. market and I can't capitalize on this experience in my country at all.

The main reason I need a partner is the fact that I sound like a drunk Russian and taking calls from clients overseas is out of the question. I also won't be able to do everything by myself, so getting a partner who is passionate about the idea of teaming up seems like appropriate solution.

Any help appreciated.
@monae Because I'd want more than that. Idk if I could trust a contractor answering the phone and be available 6+ hours per day to answer calls and update me how things are going. There's more incentive in partnership where growth of the business is in mutual interest. I'd prefer full partnership, exchange of knowledge, mutual growth, 50/50 input of work, etc. I know it's almost mission impossible because 1000 things can go wrong, but I'm willing to sacrifice a lot of hours of my time to get there. :)
@duolos777 To fill in the blanks; be the voice on the phone with clients, make the first contact with potential clients and help with the entire working process basically. Understanding of various web design, development, and marketing processes is a must, experiences aren't.

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