How do I find a job in a startup?? (Off topic)


New member
So I am a fresher still in college and want to get into the corporate sector specifically in startups.

So I can learn, I am ok with low salary salary as well.

I tried to get into a lot of marketing and sales role either they were scams or no response through LinkedIn and indeed.

I am from Kolkata, I am ok with both remote or in office role.

Let me know some hacks as you guys are from this world so you can give me your P.O.V

Edit skills
Market research and consumer insights
Micro influencer marketing
@blueberry25 Because I want to start a startup my but I don't see a problem I am very excited about neither I have any experience and market knowledge.

At the same time I am young and have a lot of energy so don't want to waste it and want to join a startup to fulfill their mission and learn myself, how thing's work.
@dfarmer2001 Hopefully you'll get something from this sub.

It helps if you can add to your post what skills you have, also if you have had any experience with handling people or doing tasks outside of your studies (basically, soft skills).
@dfarmer2001 maybe try platforms like coffeemug or find niche sectors where you may love working, you can find startups based in that specific sector and try cold emailing, generally probability of getting response through cold emails in start-up is much better...
@joelster Cold calling isn’t the best way I feel…

Startups work under intense pressure and each day is spent in survival mode. Do you agree?

There is one better way: spend time understanding their product or technology. Spend hours days and a few nights finding a way that improves their technology or product. Share your ideas with them and start a convo. See where that leads you.
@ami_dawnielle however on the flip side, due to constrained budgets and high employee turn over rate, they are always scouting the right talent, since the majority cannot provide handsome salaries or perks, they usually have a tendency to look for someone passionate enough to fuel growth without much expectations.

So adding your point + due to there survival mode, it becomes lucrative opportunity for fresher to utilize situation of the startup
@ami_dawnielle Thank you but finding less popular startups is a bit hard I have tried it with some of the yc backed start-ups and even got some interviews set up but they have already got the role and did the interview just to cheer me up.

Can you suggest any website where I can find less popular startups?
@dfarmer2001 If you are fresher, time is on your side!
Make the best of it.

The best way to find a job is to create a startup.
The next way to do this is to become someone startups in your fav field of work find necessary for their growth.
@dfarmer2001 Send your resume and why should you get hired over others.

Small tip: Early on in life you get hired in any role because of just three reasons -
1. Super smart
2. Super hard working
3. Both

Everyone starts as assuming 1 or 2, and if they are good over time they tend towards 3 under the right kind of leadership.

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