How do I get organized?


New member
I am admittedly an unorganized person. I’ve tried using systems and software to help and they do help but lately I’ve felt everything is just so disorganized that it’s affecting growth. Don’t get me wrong, we’re growing and things work for the most part but I feel we could be in a much better spot if things were a bit more orderly.

So, what have y’all done to get organized? How’d you get those processes in place as you add on more staff and take on more work? I currently use Airtable as a job management platform which helps a lot but maybe I need to just use a Jobber type app? Are there coaches or consultants I can hire who can come in and help us get on track? Or maybe you’re an unorganized person as well but you hired on someone who helped with it?

I’d love any and all input. It’s something that’s been on my radar for a while but just haven’t done it yet.
@towerwatchman I just tried different systems, and combined the best practices that work for me. I use notion for the monthly goals, notes on iPhone for everyday small things, and calendar where I plan my week in advance. I would recommend a book “getting things done”, you will find some good advices there :) good luck!
@towerwatchman There are lots of Field Service Management software tools out there (HCP is ok, but there's probably better options) but the bottom line is it's water. We can lead you there, but if you don't drink (use it) there's no point.

If that's the case then hire an organized person to handle the things that you're weak at.
@towerwatchman There is no one right answer. You have to evaluate your personal and professional life’s imbalances in the solace of a quiet night or something similar, and experiment with what works. Maybe it won’t be perfect either.

A few things I might suggest:
- apps are trying to sell you a solution but it’s the ideology and routine that matters (a tool is as good as it’s owner, and is derivate of how you use it) but there is no silver bullet
- try not to treat tooling as a retail therapy for the actual problem at hand you’re facing
- personal life can affect your business
- paraphrasing above, develop an airtight routine that will guarantee you’ve checked everything that needs checking similar to how you might shower every morning or evening
- when developing your routine allow for slack or gaps, and make sure you have a way to catch them the next day Edit: FYI phone alarms that repeat are decent for this at first
- if the money is there for it, you can hire someone but if you yourself cannot develop a routine that YOU can follow, it may not make sense to hire someone since there is nothing to hand off
- when it comes to mail, notification systems, etc, limit what you track to a few platforms, keep them front and center, and finish one before moving onto the next. There are software solutions like salesforce or zen desk for example that can provide maybe a better front interface to your business depending on the nature of what you do (it has to make sense) but can be a decent CRM

Good luck!
Your routine talk reminds me of a very nice book:

How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big: Kind of the Story of My Life

by Scott Adams
@hira We had one that was specific to our industry but it was expensive and we didn’t use it fully. Spending $500 a month just to put customers and photos in it. Thanks for the input, I’ll just have to do it and make sure we use it.
@towerwatchman I started with yard book for my business which was free, there should be simple CRMS you can use for free.
Then when I wanted to grow I switched it all to jobber
@towerwatchman I use a combo of the calendar app on my phone (sync to PC), Google Keep and old fashioned hand notes. I'm just a one man show, so probably not a scalable solution, but that's what works for me right now.
@towerwatchman Nicorette, but for real: Waking up earlier and do some sport, maybe you think you don't have the time but it will up your health and stabilize your work flow and put in place a healthy routine.