How do I invest $10,000 online and get at least $1000 p.m. return after 6-7 months?


New member
I am already making some recurring money doing SEO but I want to increase my income and I have $10,000 that I can invest.

What are the different things that I can do?
@praiseli Markets will usually put out somewhere between 9 and 12% a year historically. Although this market isn't kind and I have boring mutual funds down 5% right now fir the year. That is the most stable plan and even that isn't guaranteed.

Anything offering 120% a year or any thing close is either a scam or super high risk where you can (and probably will) lose it all.

So in a normal market 10,000 will produce $400-$600 of returns in 6 months as a broad average.

If you have a successful business going maybe using that 10k to expand may be the best bang for your buck.
@praiseli Perhaps buy a small business that's simply a website that produces a consistent income.

Plenty of these types of businesses exist. Some are scams, though, so do your homework.

To minimize work, if you do this, buy a business that's all digital. Ex. It offers an online course that's very hands off for the owner. People pay online, take the course online, and never need to really talk to you.

Heck, you could even outsource the customer service to another firm.

Of course, there's the risk that if the income starts going down, you'll need to figure out how to fix it.
@praiseli It’s such a broad statement that it’s difficult to answer tbh. By the sounds of it you have a little money and want to invest it. That’s good. The rate of return is a little optimistic but we can work around that.
First, I’d tell you to avoid anything that sounds like a sure deal, or offers a fantastic rate of return. It’s most likely a scam and you’ll lose your money.
Secondly I would say figure out something that you can do, with the time you have available, which adds value to either a business or a customer. Then use the money at your disposal to build on that idea.

Basically put, how can you invest that money in yourself and make a return. You see it’s not a question that’s easily answered in a Reddit forum full of scammers.

But if you want an easy button DM me and I’ll share with you my top secret 5 step method to get a guaranteed 100-200% returns on your investment in 6-7 months.
@praiseli I know this is achievable (but not easy) by creating an online business.

As other users have mentioned you can’t expect this type of return on your investment without significant risk.

Perhaps your best bet is looking at the services you provide for SEO and using that $10,000 to invest in growing that?
@praiseli Hello, my name is Max, I have been in business for more than 4 years, the investment capital is more than 100,000, what can I advise you, don't think at all where you can throw your 10,000 and pull out money, if you are a beginner, I would advise you to invest these 10,000 in your education and pull it out from there much more today all the markets have sunk very much, the global crisis is ahead, and the markets will sink even more. We are not even at the very bottom, so buying anything now is very dangerous, so it's best to invest in your knowledge that will bring you much more. For example, let's take a person who can't do anything, and he takes and buys an online course on how to write texts well, learns to write well texts in 3 months, puts his ad on freelance that he writes texts well, does the right marketing, makes the right funnel, a good offer and starts earning 2000-3000 $ per month, this is definitely worth investing in, but I'm not sure about the markets, there is a high probability of losing money, especially in the current situation in the world.

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