How do you grow your personal brand?


New member

So I just recently launched two businesses. One is a personal brand (which I plan to monetize), the other one is a spiritual biz (which is part of the personal brand, I download messages from the Universe w/o any tools like tarot cards, runes, pendulums, etc.).

To those who started building their accounts, how did you grow them organically? Any subreddits or social media groups where I can promote my newly-launched businesses?

Here are my accounts btw (IG):

Psychic biz: @yours.truly.gertie

Personal brand: @growingwithgertie

Thanks in advance to those who will answer!!
@janah Kung organic, you should have a good product with good branding with good marketing. Word of mouth is still the best kung gusto mo na almost automatic na customers yung mga leads. You always start with friends and family.

I'll be blunt. Not sure lang kung paano yung ganyan na business and if it can be called a business. I view things like this as snake's oil, but if it can help people in other ways, why not. There are some psychological and scientific things somewhere here. Just be careful with what you say. It will affect people's lives once you get traction.

What are your products? What do you sell? Kasi kung brand lang yan without products/services, it will never take off (unless you already have clout, like most artists). Services will always be based on your reputation and the quality of service. If you are going to stick your personal life and information in what you do, be prepared for anything personal that might happen.

Personal opinion: I wouldn't do this. Too volatile and unpredictable as a livelihood. Okay siguro for side hustle, but not your bread and butter. Also be sure to be ethical, you sometimes deal with vulnerable people. Don't take advantage on them. Help them get back on their feet, but don't do something that will only result on your personal gain. Most people deplore those kinds of people.

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