How I got 100+ users in the first 24 hours


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Within 24 hours of launching my new SaaS, I got 649 unique visitors, 1874 page views, and over 100+ signed-up users.

This was all organic while launching on X,

This is my first time having the launch of my SaaS go viral, resulting in a ton of initial traction.

I have come up with a viral formula of 6 elements on how to do this, so read on:

  1. An exciting product🎉
This one is kinda obvious but a very important element.

You can have the best launch and marketing strategy in the world, but with a bad product, it won't matter.

In order to attract users, you must have an exciting product that solves some kind of problem or pain for the customer.

To give you something concrete, this was my thought process for this latest SaaS:


Founders don't want to spend time creating video content about their SAAS or showing their software milestones/updates through videos as it is time consuming. Many choose to avoid it as there are certain design skills needed & most importantly time consuming.


Create a video templates with animated background & confetti effects where users can just replace it with their content & post it on their socials like X, FB, Linkedin, Reddit. Cool animated backgrounds, confetti effects to get 10x more engagement on their socials within hours not days through videos & GIFS.

I bought the domain and validated the idea through a simple waitlist landing page explaining the core features.
  1. A great hook 🪝
Great, now that we have an awesome product, it's time to show the world.

But wait, we have no followers and no budget for paid advertisement.

No worries, we will solve this with a viral launch post on X/Twitter.

The make or break of this post is the 'hook'. The very first line in our post that will make the user stop scrolling and get invested in our content.

Here are the hook of the launch that went viral:
  1. "🎉We are live now ! 🤯" (Got 6k views)
  2. It’s finally here 🤯
Yes, the hook has nothing to do with the product, and the emojis are cringy as hell. But they are effective and get the user to stop scrolling and watch the content.
  1. Video showcasing the product in a few seconds 🎥🎊
Now that we have the users' attention, it's time to get the most of it.

Attached to our post should be an image or a video. The algorithm chooses what goes viral based on the posts that users spend the most time on, hence why a video is the better option.

For my viral content, I have used rolling text template from my own web app the core features of the product with animated backgrounds & confetti effects.
  1. Explaining the concept in one-liners: ‘Get 10x Attention on your Socials within hours’ 🎊
We all know the situation when we go to a product's landing page, scroll down, and by the bottom of the page, we still not quite understand what the hell the product does.
Something that works really well for viral content and marketing is to explain the concept in easy-to-understand one-liners.

It makes the product so easy to understand for a person that interacts with the product for the first time.
  1. A few bullet points explaining the core features✴️
After our one-liner, most users already get what our product is about.

We can now elaborate a bit further with a few bullet points explaining the core features our new exciting product has.
  1. A great CTA 💯
Now we have a great hook, an engaging product video, a good one-liner, and a few bullet points explaining the core features.

The user is fully committed now, so it's time to capitalize on the attention and lead them over to our landing page with a call to action (CTA).

3 Free Credits to generate 3 Videos/GIFs,

No Credit Card Required,

Try it out now!

Final thoughts
If you nail these 6 elements, your chances of having a viral launch are really high.

If you found any value in this post, consider following me on X. I build cool projects in public and try doing stuff that others aren't.

And if you are a founder, you will love SocialStats. Right now, it's free to generate first 3 videos,

Let me know your thoughts in the comments down below.

Update: SocialStats Link
@megalos Ok.. was it mostly your followers engaging, was it shared by others, etc? I think what the commenter is asking is the audience you tapped.. not the mechanics of what you did.
@lucyt25 It was not only the followers but also new people who DMd me & reached out to me. I got more new followers & new users after that post.

So I would say it was a mix of both.
@megalos How many followers do you have on Twitter? I ask because I will be creating an account I. The next few weeks to do a product launch as well, and I’m totally new to Twitter/X. Any particular hashtags you use?
@lurio My advice would be to create a social media presence in the niche that your product is meant to target. Commit real time to building some degree of authority within your targeted niche/community. You don’t need thousands and thousands of followers. Truly even a few hundred engaged followers who get real value from your content would be more than enough. If people trust you and your expertise within a given field, they will be infinitely more likely to buy your product when you release it. I worked for a startup that used this strategy and it was highly effective.
@lurio Just build a product with 1 feature & 1 buy button & ship it, market it using above strategies let me know if you need any help.

Btw Did you had the chance to try the web app? I will appreciate your suggestions/feedback.
@megalos This sounds awesome, I'll definitely check it out. Have you considered referral programs for even crazier growth? Or what are your next steps?

Thanks for sharing!
@rigogpu Thank you so much, when you say Referal program do you mean affiliate program or that is something different? If it’s different could you please explain?
@megalos It's basically a system that makes your clients sell your service for you and get some sort of discount in exchange for it. For example; if your client refers 3 people to join, you'll give them a month for free. Down the line, this won't cost you money, but even makes you more money. And best of all, it creates exponential growth.

Check out this episode from Arvid Kahl, he explains it perfectly.
@rigogpu Loved the concept thank you so much for sharing.

Also If you or anyone want to get yearly subscription for my web app you can use promo code SOCIAL10 to get it for $49 !
@megalos @rigogpu mentioned a great strategy for growth and I'd recommend to you to do the same.

If you're interested in setting up an effective affiliate program, you might want to explore, an easy way to launch and manage your affiliate program 😊.

Good luck and thanks for the promo code!

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