How i got 1000 users in a month with $0


New member
About a month ago, I launched my side project and has grown to over 1000 users. It’s an AI stock bot that sends alerts based on Reddit sentiment. It’s a free product so my marketing budget was a big fat $0.

Here’s how I hustled with a $0 budget and got my first 1000 users.
  1. Get your first 10 users - cold DMs. This part sucks. “Do things that don’t scale”. But it’s the quickest way to get started and directly talk to your users. The goal isn’t to get to a million users instantly but to talk intimately with a small set of users, see what they like/don’t like about your early version, and iterate based on feedback. For example, my first set of users helped me beta test & tune my AI bot’s summaries. In the beginning, it would try to summarize everything, which resulted in bad alerts.
  2. Get your next 100 users - share helpful content in communities. This one seems obvious but find small, active communities where your users hang. For me, it was small subreddits (
@lucyt25 I didn't personally turn beta testers into buyers for my current product but it should be pretty simple - if people are finding value, they should be happy to pay.
@mauddib Love this idea, great use-case for an ai summarization tool. These tips are very useful especially how you reduced user friction by making your product accessible by email. Good luck and thanks for sharing. (I signed up for fluid)

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