How I got my first 100 users for my pronunciation training app


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I’m the founder of a language learning app that helps with pronunciation. Here’s how I got my first 100 users:
  1. Solved My Own Problem: I built the app to solve my own struggles with language pronunciation. I realized that consistent repetition was key for me, so I developed a tool to make this easier and more effective.
  2. Joined Communities: I started hanging out in language learning subreddits and forums. Instead of just pushing my app, I joined the conversation, shared useful tips, and mentioned my app when it made sense. This way, people trusted me and were genuinely interested.
  3. Offered Free Trials: I gave away free access to early adopters from these communities. It created some buzz and word-of-mouth referrals. Plus, I asked for feedback, which helped improve the app and made users feel involved.
  4. Reached Out to Users: I personally reached out to people in forums and social media who were struggling with pronunciation. I offered them free access to my app to help with their specific challenges. Their positive experiences and feedback brought in more users.
It took a lot of effort and genuine interaction, but reaching that first 100-user milestone felt amazing.

Happy to answer any questions or dive deeper into any of these strategies!