How I Reduced Our Startup's LLM Costs by Almost 90%

@redeemed2000 Thanks, this is insightful!

To clarify my understanding: you recorded 50000 calls made by real users, fine-tuned Mistral on those inputs and outputs, and then did an A/B test to compare its performance to GPT - is that correct?
@redeemed2000 Was cost the main reason that you decided to use an open source LLM as opposed to doing fine tuning on OpenAI? Do you remember how much that difference was?
@redeemed2000 Hi @redeemed2000 I really enjoyed your post. I would like to learn how to do this stuff. I have a fairly good programming background. What resource do you recommend for someone like me to get up to speed with building an app that uses an open source model like you did? Thank you.
@redeemed2000 This is exactly why the open model is going to win out. There are too many competing models it's clear that they're all racing in the same direction which makes it a commodity.
@stmitche74 100%, and no it performed equally well. The usage of the model at each step was very narrow and I had response validation with regex (where possible). So essentially there are no failure because if the model responds with something unexpected, I retry.

For the actual summarization task you can't really test except with evals, but that's okay. I use customer feedback in the app to ensure it's summaries are accurate and high quality
@redeemed2000 That's a bummer! I signed up for your newsletter. Looking forward to when you expand Jellypod worldwide.

The information you shared was really helpful by the way! Had a meeting with our dev team today and we're looking into this now for for our platform.

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