How I validated my SaaS before building it


New member
Rewind 10 days ago and I had several ideas but didn’t know what to choose. I wanted a way to validate the idea before building so I could quickly iterate through each idea till I found the right one.

My solution?


I setup a super simple landing page, posted my SaaS in relevant forums and on twitter. In just 5 days I have a 100+ emails for my SaaS and I am hoping to launch this coming Friday.

I know this number isn’t crazy, but it’s not terrible for a first time SaaS founder. Remember to build in public and ship fast!
@calo Id follow if I had an account still

Still seems like one of the best places to be for the indie hacker space

So, how do you avoid the noise there, I left because its a constant battle to see content I want?
@calo Wait-lists are very much hit and miss. I had close to 300 waiting for an AI art SaaS. When I launched, I emailed all of them and barely had any response. I mean my page views barely registered anything. Purchases are validation.

If you can, interview the people who signed-up to your wait-list. That's something I didn't do that could've brought me closer to potential customers and what they were thinking.
@truthseeker522 Plan is to generate a tag line, short description and then a long description. Give the tag line and short description away for free, and charge a 1 time fee for the long description

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