How is contabo so cheap compared to vultr, hetzner etc?


New member
I had a 1hr+ outage of Vultr for a sideproject. While it’s not a big deal currently, for future SaaS projects I’m now thinking of trying other providers.

Found contabo and their pricing felt like something is off. 4 vCPU 6GB RAM is $5.5/m ? For comparison this is atleast $40/m on other providers.

So I tried, and found that they have something called one-time setup fee, which is $7.5, so overall $13/m (if this one time fee repeats every month).

Still pretty cheap. Anyone has experience with contabo? How would you rate their service?

Also, any other vps provider you had good experience with?

Edit: I bought VLE 4 on ovh coz they had 40% off rn
@groundedglitz I used them for years, and then my autopay didn't go through one time without me noticing. 8 days later and everything was deleted. My fault, but fuck them.
@groundedglitz Virtual Servers are heavily overprovisioned and dedicated runs on consumer hardware. Had multiple servers just die from a failing power supply without redundancy or anyone noticing over the years.
That being said, they are usually quick to fix or replace things and as you said, incredibly cheap. If you have your deployment automated, just get two of everything and backup often.
It’s also worth noting that their PaaS stack is relatively basic and the api support… exists.
For my next, fully automated project, I’ll go with Hetzner cloud or Digital Ocean, but if you just need some machines as cattle, Contabo is worth a try.
@groundedglitz I am using it now, and I regret I paid for whole 12 months thinking that one time setup fee will be on every month.
But actually my friend paid for a month for trying out and checking the stability he found that it didn't charge one time setup fee every month.

Moreover, the servers are good the VPS you get is good, only issue is if you ever need support ticket then the support team is worst.

Last week I had my VPS down for 4 days even after creating ticket they didn't teply.

Previously a month ago also i got 4 days down.

I asked what is the reason of this, they said this happens sometime due to glitch.

So interms of stability and reliability, I would say no.

I would prefer to use Contabo for worker nodes and for control plane I would prefer interserver with Self Hosted Kubernetes on Ubuntu MicroK8s.
@groundedglitz I tried Contabo a year ago and the server speed was terrible. They overload their servers with VPS and this ain't worth money or time.

Later I switched to Webdock which is better bang for buck. Happy since then