How many of these “how I made x thousand MRR in y months” are just ads?

@poptart1919 There are many liars out there for sure, and then they are white liars... like making $5k in a month and putting to their bio, newsletter, and YouTube how they make $5k/mo. Like dah! It's your first month of a one time payment product, can be 0 next month.

One of the reasons I am a fan of official counters. I have a sale counter on my Gumroad page for Deployment from Scratch and will soon open it for Kamal Handbook as well. You cannot fake these numbers.
@poptart1919 I really can’t stand those type of posts. I’m only nearing $1K MRR after two years for my micro SaaS.

My SeCrET?!!!??!!!?!!??!!?

I work my butt off and it’s a painful freaking grind, especially solo and with a day job. Lol.
@caseyanne2 Depends on your marketing strategy. Took me a year to get to 1k but the following year I was at 4k. All thanks to hitting rank one on Google for my keywords and doing a bunch of SEO.
@rickyrajesh use rankmath Seo analyzer, and correct everything for On-Page SEO, for off page boost your DR by adding your website to every directory. Use pSEO, like if your product is payment alternative than create pages like stripe alternative, Gumroad alternative, Stripe Vs Your product , etc...
@poptart1919 Where there is incentive to cheat there will always be cheating yep.

Then if you dig the content, you can clearly smell it.

Like it often goes hand in hand with shallow tactics in order to make it look ridiculously easy and/or build the creator the fame of a small genius etc...

Generic advice, data omission (like only talking about MRR), too much excitement : inauthentic and shallow.
@poptart1919 I’m quite active over on Twitter and there are a lot of complaints from people selling services and courses about how hard it is to ‘crack’ into Reddit. They decry the communities here but still persist in trying to advertise to users without really trying to understand who they’re advertising to.

A few individuals realised that if they thinly veil their top of funnel as indie hacking and sharing “revenue” it can pass as organic content. These individuals are long past the point of needing this tactic so they’re sharing their methods on Twitter now hence the flood in similar content.

As others have said, if you are actually making this type of money you wouldn’t be advertising your figures/methods so blatantly unless it was built into your revenue model.
@poptart1919 The people making money aren’t coming on Reddit to brag and tell others how they did it. I’m going to keep quiet on my formula, because I don’t need competition and I don’t want my revenue saturated with options.

The more people that know, the more likely I will have competition

That’s why I know 100% of these posts are BS. No one is going to reveal their revenue alongside their niche and how they did it.

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