How to 100% F*ck up a Product Hunt launch


New member
Ok this is the dumbest mistake i've ever made

(not that I was counting on PH to be amazing, but it still hurts)

Before launching this is what I did:

- Prepared the listing in advanced

- Double checked the copy

- Made a video

- Contacted friends to help to promote


When I put the video link on PH(two days before the launch) it was in a private mode on youtube, so when PH scanned it, it didn't show the thumbnail and it looked like a deleted video, and that's how it's stayed the whole launch, can't stop, can't edit, even tho I put in public before I launched.

So make sure that your video is public at the moment when you put the link into PH!
@mhbb2 This happened to me. I scheduled a launch well in advance but it was a rough draft, then forgot about it. Then it launched while I was in the middle of covid…
@mhbb2 Always view your product and marketing materials in Incognito/private mode so that you can see what it looks like for a brand new user

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