How to drive traffic to your SaaS with 0 followers


New member
Hello! I recently pre-launched my SaaS and was able to get 95,000 in organic traffic with 0 followers.

The main thing I did was concentrate on organic ranking platforms. Best examples Include
  • Reddit
  • Tiktok
  • Youtube / instgram reels
  • X / Twitter communities
If you make interesting posts or videos that focus on telling a story, it is incredible how many people will support you.

If you are interested in seeing my full strategy checkout my recent video Here
@calo Bro congrats! Good video but personally I would prefer more b roll with graphics or even text on screen to help explain.

My project is an app for making friends, what subreddits can you recommend?
@truckerjack56 Really appreciate the feedback I will implement more broll and text in my future video.

Is your app based around a theme?

For example an app that helps meet new people by matching people based on hobbies -> then I’d promote the app in specific hobby groups

A broad app for finding friends, Erasmus / exchange students in specific cities often find it hard to make friends.
  1. Post in specific cities, start off with your home country
Eg r/ Dublin -> How I made friends in Dublin as a foreign student

[insert story]
  1. Post in r/ Erasmus and similar
@calo Awesome! I checked out your site looks good. What tech stack are you using? What resources did you use to learn how to code when you first begun years ago? Congrats btw, also checked out your yt very informative.
@coolguy123 Really appreciate it!

Currently using Nextjs, React and Supabase. I find it’s easy to learn and has tons of supporting libraries.

When I first started I tried a bunch but found scrimba to be the best. I know it read the docs and use ChatGPT.

Make sure to subscribe for weekly videos!
@calo Great results! I watched the video, but I found it a bit too high-level. It would be useful to see some examples of what worked for you and what didn’t.
@calo That's cool. I'm also launching my startup product related with Virtual reality. I couldn't find information about how to get first users without spending money. Thanks
@dragul I always try focus on a story first. Then I try and think what would grab attention or is maybe even taboo. Also you need to be authentic.

I just write a list of every subreddit I think would work

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