How to reduce Optimise your checkout to Reduce Cart Abandonment

Any online transaction requires a checkout of some description, this is a key part of your funnel where an anonymous visitor has decided your business offers the right service for them and is willing to send you money from across the globe.

Lets make the process as easy as possible for them by follow these few steps

Reduce Friction
Reduce friction in your checkout as much as possible, what I mean by this is make it as simple and easy as possible for your customers to checkout. Only ask for information you genuinely require, the more forms, boxes, input fields you have the more complex your checkout is meaning it’s more effort for your customer to purchase from you.

If you are selling online products, the only absolutely essential information you usually need are:

Name: To identify the user
eMail: To communicate incase of issues and to send receipt
Card Details: To make the actual purchase
I’ve see hundreds (if not thousands) of checkouts that ask for information that really just isn’t necessary at this point and can drastically reduce your conversion rate having a significant impact on your business.

You really don’t need to ask for Date of Birth, Address (unless selling physical goods), mothers maiden name or any of this other information. The golden rule: Only ask if it’s essentially to completing the order.

It’s also worth noting, with GDPR now in place, you probably want to do this anyway as to comply with the GDPR you should only be collecting information that’s essential. But really, it’s good practice anyway.

At Notifia, we use a very simple but beautiful Stripe Checkout:

Live Demo:

Social Proof during Checkout Stage
This is probably one of my favourite Conversion Rate Optimisation hacks simply because it works so well.

Add Notifia’s Recent Signups to your checkout pages (and account creation pages) this will display a live feed of your most recent conversions working as Social Proof to help boost your conversions (I’ve used this method with several of my startups and have seen a conversion rate increase of 37%)

If you have used this Growth Hack and received greater than 37% increase on CR please contact me to be featured

Exit Intent
Add Exit Intent to your Checkout Pages.

Honestly, I wish I had some figures of how much revenue Exit Intent on Checkout Pages has saved me, I have no doubt it will be well into six figures.

So, simply add an exit intent notification to your checkout page offering the visitor a special offer.

Some examples include:

Discount Code
30 day Free Trial (or more if you already offer 30-day)
Or any other type of special offer that can apply to your business
On average 98% of visitors who exit your site never return, so this is most likely your last chance to convert the visitor. Really, you want to do whatever it takes to get the customer to sign up.

Email Automation
If we still haven’t managed to cover the customer, we will add them to an Automated Marketing Campaign.

Make sure to collect the visitors email address before display the actual checkout where the user enters card details.

I would suggest on Step 1 : Collect Name, Email -> Step 2: Collect Card Details

This has 2 purposes.

Your checkout form looks far less cluttered and reduces friction therefore improving conversion rates.
We have already collected the users email, so even if they exit your checkout process during entering card details, we are still able to contact them to reconvert.
So, set up an Automated Marketing Campaign using your chosen Email Automation Platform (I like Autopilot and Intercom)

You can pull users information from your Database who haven’t converted and automatically sync this across to your marketing platform using Zapier.

From here lets set up a total of 9 emails to be sent to the user

1 day later: Ask the prospect if they had any questions or anything you can assist with. Invite them to book in a call or schedule a demo on calendal (they mar just require some more information)

3 days later: Polite and friendly follow up to see if your prospect has had a chance to read your email?

7 days later: Offer an extended free trial/discount code to the prospect

14 days later: Try to start a conversation: Ask what drew the prospect towards your business? What they liked? What they didn’t like? (Information from a customer who didn’t convert has tremendous value as we can find out what stopped them, if you start to see a trend here it’s a serious issue that needs to be addressed.

30 days later: Polite & Friendly follow up

45 days later: Update about new features you’ve released and how they can help the prospect

60 days later: Follow up and invite to schedule a demo

90 days later: Update about new features you’ve released and how they can help the prospect

120 days later: Follow up and invite to schedule a demo

159 days later: Warning of last email from you (keep it friendly)

160 days later: Tell the prospect this is then last email they will receive, it was a shame you didn’t get to work together and if they need you in future they can simply reply to the message (it’s important to keep the door open to them)

This may seem excessive, but did you know that: 80% of sales are made on 5th-12th contact

Remember, people are very busy especially if your target market are entrepreneurs most of us are spinning 10 plates at once with 100 thoughts going through our head at once, slack, Skype, email, mobile going off almost 24/7 and it may just be a bad time.

The power of following up is truly fantastic, simply sending friendly reminders will keep your business at the back of the prospects mind, even if now isn’t the right time for them to sign up , 6 months (180 days later) there business may have evolved significantly and they now require your services.

A few notes on this.

As soon as your customer responds you should remove them from the Email List.

You need to check if the customer does convert by themselves and remove them from your list. Sending a customer who has converted marketing emails is just plain embarrassing. To solve this, I would use a Zapier integration. Plug your payment processor (Stripe, Braintree, Recurly etc) into the source, whenever a new customer appears tag them as a converted customer in your email marketing platform. Within the email marketing platform you’ll need to set up to not send your “conversion campaign” to any users tagged with “converted customer”

If you receive complaints that your follow up campaign is spammy, you should adjust it. You don’t want to piss customers off, the purpose of this is to convert them, not turn the relationship sour. The example above is just what works for my business, but you may need to play around and adjust to optimise it for your target market.
With these optimisations implemented correctly, you should see a significant boost in your conversions.

Add Text to the End: Here is a link to the original article as well as 600+ more Hacks, Tactics and Strategies to drive Growth: Good Luck!