I’d like to get leads for a couple local businesses


New member
Facebook isn’t useful for much but I’ve noticed that people love joining local-community groups.

People in these groups love asking for recommendations for local service businesses. Mostly plumbers, electricians, veterinarians, dentists, doctors, realtors, roofers, all types of sweaty startups.

Most business owners don’t have time to hang out in these groups. But I think they are missing out on a ton of warm and hot leads. I thought why not start an agency that funnels these leads to local businesses.

I’d give a thoughtful and honest recommendation in the group, but also capture the lead, send direct mail and even retarget on Facebook.

I spun up a quick site, I’m calling it Social Groupies, I’d love to test my idea on a few local US based businesses. [Social Groupies](www.socialgroupies.com)

Send me a DM or email at hello@socialgroupies.com
@ben901234 While this is a genuinely great idea - one issue you'll have to solve is that many of these groups have outright rules against solicitation or self-promotion.

At the bare minimum, if you're recs aren't very well crafted they'll feel spammy.

I'm an urban agriculturalist, and I spend a lot of time in garden groups which are constantly loaded with the kinds of requests you're describing, but those people also tend to be vary wary of anyone actually self promoting!

All in all - great idea, best of luck
@schlappy That’s a great point. The recommendations will have to be tactful and honest. The real value I believe is in capturing and following up with the lead.

Imagine posting that you are looking for a dentist and then the same week, receiving a direct mail piece that says, “heard you were looking for a new dentist.”
@ben901234 Do you run paid ads for local businesses as well? I'm guessing if you are familiar with setting up retargeting campaigns you probably do but if not we might be able to work together. I get a lot of prospective clients that aren't quite ready for full blown digital campaigns. This could be a good stepping stone to get them some more customers and refine their lead nurture process to be ready to scale. When they start asking you for more leads, you can pass them back to me and we can get them set up on a more predictable and scalable paid ad campaign.
@ben901234 Looks good. I really like this idea. Are you launching nationwide? Or just testing in a local market first?

There’s definitely a market for products like yours OP. With apps like Yelp getting flooded with fake reviews or local businesses buying reviews, people will trust these review-based apps less and less. We will soon see people going back to buying products and services based on word of mouth and recommendations from friends/neighbors/Facebook communities etc.
@ben901234 This same idea is posted here every other week. Service based businesses don't need more leads, they need to increase production. There is a reason they don't hang out in these forums for leads. They don't need to be visible at all and people find them. Just by answering my phone and showing up I beat 90% of the competition and often I'm the only bid for house painting. When I get calls offering to sell me leads I laugh and hang up.
@ben901234 How do you monetize it. There's a website here to access music tutors, you pay the website a finders fee to put you in contact. Could be an idea, good kick
@ben901234 I see members of these groups recommend people they know that do the sweaty startup all the time. The OP usually seeks them out and finds someone.

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