I’m going to open my own startup! Any advice?


New member
Hi everyone, I am an Italian guy just graduated and in the next couple of months I am going to open a fintech startup in Italy, do you have any advice for me? Like about something to pay attention, how to start, mistakes not to make at the beginning etc...
also I would be very curious and grateful to know also your experiences in this world, either as a founder or as an employee of a startup

Thank you in advance for your answers and advice! :)
@iktmrl I am myself new to this world but here is what I have learned so far. Be obsessed with your user, not with the investors or pitch decks. Think, breathe, live, around your user and the problem you aim to solve for them. Roast your idea. Keep narrowing down and refining it. Don't be scared to pivot as much as needed.
@sumanakram Great answer and its something that I should do more because I am building a client profiler that delivers leads and well I need to use the service itself to go after new users. But I am constantly trying to make it better or provide more relevant information to help me with my outreach . But my users also have their own ideas which I should probably be focusing on first and foremost.
@iktmrl create an mvp and go out and validate it with users... an mvp doesn't have to be a robust app, do it with no-code, do it with excel, do it yourself. But validate the problem with the user and focus on the user and nothing else.
@iktmrl 2 mice fell in a bucket of cream. The first mouse decided this was his fate and suffocated in the cream, however the 2nd mouse started to run and run and run turning the cream into butter -author unknown

Be the second mouse no matter what! There's no love in the jungle BUT DO NOT GIVE UP

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