I’ve been diagnosed with multiple sclerosis and am looking for another business venture

Hello all. I started a decently successful cleaning service and have been in business for close to five years. Last year I was diagnosed with MS and things haven’t been the same. What l used to be able to do physically now takes a major toll on my body. I need to get out of the field because I can no longer keep up. To be clear I’m self employed. No employees. I had one a year ago, but it didn’t work out and I started letting business go because I could no longer keep up.

I built this company with $100 to my name. I put out 5000+ flyers and I became super busy from it. I’ve let go all of my houses except for two and I currently have 4 commercial contracts. I just can’t do it anymore. My mind and body are in constant battle, so

I’m looking for some ideas for my next business venture. I’m an entrepreneur at heart and want to build. The question is what could I build from my home where I wouldn’t have such physical demand on my body? What kind of company could I start and run mostly from home? I want to hire from the start with whatever it is and build a company the right way. I’ll continue my cleaning service until, but I think I’m so discouraged and disappointed because I’ve lost my ability to work it.

Sometimes I think I should just try harder with the cleaning service and grow it? Other than growing the cleaning service, I’ve come up with a lawn service so far. I’ve been thinking about this since last year when I was diagnosed and keep drawing blanks. I’m thankful l ran into another subreddit that lead me here. I know what it is to have nothing and work your way into something great. Any ideas or help appreciated.
@orthodoxchurchapologia Why not just take the plunge and try hiring to grow your cleaning business? You obviously have the expertise so you now what it takes to hire a solid employee. You could train your first employees in the field while shadowing them if they don’t have the experience you think is up to your standards.

After that, cleaning companies can be pretty easy to run remotely. You can have cleaning supplies shipped to your home, have your employees restock out of your garage for the time being, and spend the majority of your time marketing from home.
@johannask Thank you for your response. I’m going to work really hard over the next few months marketing to drum up more business. Your recommendation does make the most sense. I just think the discouragement of having MS was/is so deep l felt like throwing in the towel. Have a nice day.
@orthodoxchurchapologia Consider keeping the business but take some part time or full time people to the locations and train them to do the physical labor. I know where you are coming from. Focus on what you are good at from a desk with a phone and computer. Marketing your company is probably key while others whether part time, full time, employees, 1099 (independent contractors) do the heavy lifting. Send out 20,000 flyers. Many will be looking for work soon as the quarantine is over. Many businesses will have been downsized and need service. Now is the ideal time to grow your business from a comfortable office.
@ministerofthekingdomofgod I can definitely ride around all day and put out flyers. I’ve thought about trying to explode my company, but there’s this fear of someone stealing in a home. I’m also afraid if l don’t have my ducks in a row, I’ll have to end up doing the work if someone doesn’t show? I’ll need to have a system in place so I don’t have to go out in the field though. Thank you for your recommendation. Have a good week.
@orthodoxchurchapologia Try hiring again, but be super specific about it. Think of it as a $X,000 investment, where X is tens of thousands of dollars. You wouldn't invest that much into some random off the street.

r.e. the last paragraph - do not fight the MS. I have it, and you don't want to be just "working harder". Your body will get tired, and you need to listen to that. If you try work through it, you'll be more tired, and possibly make the progression worse. Take care of yourself, and note that your physical and mental effort are now more constrained, so think about how you use your time very effectively.
@dshort Yes, I’ve noted just how different I am with just being a year into diagnosis. It’s like the old you slowly slips away. I think to myself an employee will only last cleaning a short amount of time, so I’ll always be hiring. This will maybe be a revolving door of employees and I’ll need to prepare for that. I’m going to work hard at this for the next few months. Give it my all and see where it takes me. Thank you for your thoughts. I hope you’re taking care of yourself too. Have a good week.

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