Y Combinator is not for the little guy anymore. (Or never been?)

@ejohnson CEO/co-founder of Andromeda here. Nintendo was a pioneer in game console development when they opened up the NES to third-party licensing in 1986. Similarly, our goal is to build an AI-enabled surgical robot that others can build on. Medical hardware is really expensive and time-consuming to build. Other companies (or possibly even innovative surgeons) will be able to build devices and procedures on our robot and SW interface, simplifying development and reducing operator error.

BTW since OP asked, my top 3 reasons to do YC a second time:

1) Raise our next funding round faster, at better terms, from better investors

2) Recruiting - YC makes your company more appealing to lots of potential hires

3) It's an inspiring setting to start a new company and is a great forcing function to make you move even faster

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