I am planning to apply to ycombinator. Is it good enough?

@sg1371 Get people to use and pay for it. Launch as quickly as you can and take it from there.

Your in an incredibly popular and competitive space. Everything from ChatGPT down are alternatives to an extent. Have a look at the last batch AI products there are a lot.

Your website it a bit wordy, but perhaps its just the times new Roman image throwing me off. I can’t see a use case from my perspective but that doesn’t mean much if I’m not in your target audience.
@sg1371 Give the application a shot. Take all the questions and answers, put it on a Google doc and share the link with us to make some comments.

Not even YC can tell you whether your idea will succeed or not so when we (the public) make comments, don't take it too seriously.

Excited to see your application and product progress!!
@sg1371 So is this sort of like long form chat gpt? I have run into the character limit before — definitely could be a potential user.

It’s not really my biggest problem though and I wouldn’t pay for it so I am not really your target customer
@sammyclifnote Hmm not really, with gpt 4, i believe the character limit is higher. We are more into building knowledge base, and querying from the knowledge base. By query, I mean you can get answers from within in the document/s so that you can ask questions to documents and generate content from the document/s.
@sg1371 Gotcha — yeah I am at much too small of a company for that to be useful. Used to work at fang though and it might have been useful there. It was hard as hell to find exactly what I needed.

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