I asked 82 entrepreneurs from diverse background to share a habit they follow. And it revealed the top 8 habits


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I always wanted to know the habits that entrepreneurs followed to make most out of the day. Thus I asked 82 entrepreneurs who worked in different sectors, countries and were at different stages of business, to share a habit they followed to be at the best shape, and this revealed the following 8 habits. I have listed habits with the percentage of entrepreneurs endorsing them:
  1. Listening - 3.7%
  2. Gratitude - 4.9%
  3. Reading - 6.1%
  4. Proactiveness - 8.5%
  5. Perseverance - 11.0%
  6. Meditation - 11.0%
  7. Morning Routine - 18.3%
  8. Planning - 22.0%
  9. Both Planning and Morning Routine - 3.7%
  10. Other Habits - 11.0 %
Though it can't generalize the lifestyle of entrepreneurs throughout the world, as we must respect the degree of randomness. This short survey concluded that entrepreneurs prefer to getting a positive start of the day and give weightage to planning to face the daily grind.

If you want to read details, list of entrepreneurs, and infographics, you can click here

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