I asked 82 entrepreneurs from diverse background to share a habit they follow. And it revealed the top 8 habits

@te15 Perseverance and Gratitude is a "habit"? These are more traits than habits, getting things mixed up here.

"following 8 habits" --> 9-10 "habits" listed.

EDIT: i hate negative comments on Reddit, but you already went through the trouble of pretty much interviewing 82 people - read over your final copy before posting.
@crunchihuahua Gratitude and perseverance can certainly be habits! For example, I make a habit of writing gratitudes at the end of the day, every day. And perseverance is a complex bundle of behaviors and emotions that can be routinized and constantly improved upon.
@heathkevin Sure, but a habit needs to be something concrete and actionable, otherwise it's impossible to know if you are actually doing it.

'Write one thing I am grateful for every day' is a habit that builds gratitude.

'Email one new lead every day' is a habit that builds perseverance.

'Reach out to one friend or family member' is a habit that builds listening skills and improves interpersonal relationships.

Gratitude, perseverance, and listening on their own aren't 'habits' in any meaningful or actionable way.

EDIT: While something like 'Reading' or 'Planning' is less ambiguous than 'gratitude' or 'perseverance' both have the same vagueness problem. Reading WHAT? Planning WHAT? If you want to hold yourself accountable for something, you need to know what the actual goal is. If I just read one word, can I say I read today? If I read something on reddit, did I read today? If I planned to masturbate at noon and I did, did I plan today? Ex: 'Read one page of non-fiction every day' is a clear habit. 'Write down my top 5 goals for today' is a habit.

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