I build one SaaS per week, here's my process


New member
Hey hackers!

Since I like challenges, I decided to build one SaaS per week.

It has been two weeks, and here are my modest creations:
I document my process on a daily basis on X (@kevinpiac) but I wanted to write this post to share my process if it may help or motivate any of you :)

Here's how I do:
  1. I start first by reading documentation and finding new cool APIs I can work with. I usually recommend starting with a problem you have and solve it, but I figured that reading docs is much easier to get inspired and find new ideas.
  2. I always use the same stack:

    Next.js (as a framework), Vercel (for deployment), Kobble.io (for permissions, auth, and payment).
I don't use any database if it's not needed, otherwise I stick with something simple to use, like Firebase.
  1. I try to have a working prototype within 1-2 days. At this stage I don't focus on the design, I just try to create a POC. Once validated I have 4 more days (max) to improve the design and UX.
  2. During my process I communicate on X to start getting traction, then I launch it on Product Hunt to get my first users.
  3. I watch my Kobble.io dashboard to see my users and especially how they consume their free quota. This helps me to track if the product is used and if people like it.
  4. I start my next SaaS ;)
I hope it's helpful. Let me know what you would change in that process :)
@movingforward86 Hey Kevin,

That's an awesome challenge you've taken on! Building one SaaS per week is no small feat. Your approach is solid, and it's inspiring to see you share it so openly.

I’m also an indie hacker and planning to embark on a similar journey. Here are a couple of thoughts on your process:
  1. Documentation and API Inspiration: I love that you start with reading docs and finding APIs. It’s a goldmine for ideas. I might try focusing on APIs related to emerging trends (like blockchain or IoT) for unique SaaS ideas.
  2. Stack Consistency: Sticking to a familiar stack is smart. I use a similar setup but might experiment with Tailwind CSS for quicker, consistent styling.
  3. Prototyping: Getting a working prototype in 1-2 days is impressive. I’d suggest incorporating user feedback even at the POC stage, maybe through a quick survey or feedback form.
  4. Communication: Promoting on X and launching on Product Hunt is great. Have you considered leveraging indie hacker communities and forums for additional feedback and promotion?
  5. User Tracking: Watching the Kobble.io dashboard sounds effective. I might integrate Google Analytics as well for deeper insights into user behavior.
  6. Iterative Development: Your cycle of building, launching, and moving on to the next project is rapid. Do you ever revisit past projects for improvements or is it always onward to the next?
Your process is definitely motivating, and I’ll be following your journey on X. Keep up the amazing work! Any tips on managing time and avoiding burnout with such an intense schedule?
