I will build your SaaS for 0.2¢

@cowntryboy Scoping*

And you are absolutely right.
Even an MVP needs a SOW to understand the resources required and time needed thus leading to cost of development.

I mean we provide a broad range to prospecting clients but a straight up number like $1000USD is alarming.
@tessaherrin This sub has gone downhill fast. All the posts are 1 of 3 things:

"Roast my shitty landing page"

"How I went from $0 to $4B MRR in 20 days"

"I will build your Saas for $7"

It's unfortunate. Mods - any ideas?
@tessaherrin If it seems to good to be true then it most probably is. Always best to at least do everything yourself once. Get your hands dirty.

That way when it comes to hiring you know exactly what the person should be doing and when they are slacking cause you did it yourself.

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