I built a website where you can get a shoutout on the homepage for 1$

Thinking further, for those dead beats you could publish the shoutout of shame for those that would not pay and risk their credit and good name on such a small sum. Hmm, thanks for making this, it gave me food for thought and cheered me up from a life of pointless ennui.
@lin1966 Ok, here is the problem, one dollar is a micro payment, even though you are using Paypal I don't really want to give you my credit card credentials. But let's say that you give me a $1 credit that you are willing to float me by billing me to my email. So, here is another problem that if you solve can make you $$$$$$, how to bill for micro payments in a cost effective way.

To continue, for those that stiff you on paying, you can stipulate to publish the email address in a page of deadbeat emails that stiffed or defaulted on your debt.

Play with different scenarios and see that there is some Gold in these areas.

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