I don't know if I f*cked up, I spent 3 years building this, can I get feedback on it?

@echidna Oh I see, you mean either build one out to find my own leads or advertise it with some specific use cases that would allow others to do the same, essentially expanding the scope of the customer base. Sounds smart, I will look into this. Most of the data is for public companies where you can use to see if revenues are increasing etc.. but I also have economic data that gives per industry employment rates and hiring trends, on the job mortality rates, GDP by sector, etc..
@angelena You can achieve a lot with the data you possess. Identify your niche and discover where you can sell your data in a manner that aligns with that niche.
@angelena A few comments/suggestions:

It sounds like you have some examples of how this data can be used, maybe share that on the site and create some inspiration?

You could potentially sell the site and let someone else do the selling. But admittedly you won't get a great price since you don't have customers.

Maybe you can look for a business cofounder and create some sort of commission structure. It doesn't sound like sales is your main cup of tea, so let someone else try it? 50% of 10 customers is better than 100% of 0 customers.
@angelena I don't like the pricing layout at all. The pricing description doesn't align with their descriptions:

Why does start align with basic? and so on. You usually put recommended on the middle tier, not the most expensive.

Who's your target audience, how are you marketing your product? Why would someone use you over a competitor? What issue are you solving for them?
@lisa12383 I was thinkng of those things as well. I will change the recommended tier and I will fix the table alignment but tbh I'm not sure how to do it so that it looks decent on smaller resolutions.

My target audience are mostly academicians, researchers (whether in academia or firms), small/individual shops that don't want to build out their own data pipeline. I am marketing it right now using reddit ads and google ads. I plan on reaching out to these people directly (after I implement the recommendations from this thread).

The issue I am solving is that I am providing high quality alternative financial data to the retail market for the first time at a very affordable price that can be accessed using ergonomic APIs. The customers in the retail space also have the ability to stream this data for the first time and trade on the signals compared to other APIs that are expensive, incomplete, and very slow to parse the data and get it to the end user. It is fast enough to trade these events and potentially make money. For example, you can monitor Warren Buffet's holdings and buy as soon as his 13F-HR filing is released and he's bought something. Another example is monitoring the average price of gasoline in a state. An increase might signal that oil companies might beat earnings. They can also monitor inflation reports (CPI, PPI, etc..), and interest rate announcements in real time from the Federal Reserve and actually trade these signals as they tend to significantly move markets. It's very open ended what you can build with these.

Another use case is people in large organizations can use the data in these APIs to conduct market research for labor trends, economic growth per sector, etc.. and make organizational decisions using this info.

The reason the would use me over a competitor is that I am cheaper, I have more data, my data is complete and has ergonomic APIs, I have extremely feature rich filtering options for the data both for historical access and when streaming, I have streaming capability for any data point in my dataset allowing them to use them as trading signals.
@angelena Impressive, all throughout.

I went through your website and didn't understand completely what it does, this comment surely helped (Maybe that tells you something as well).

Just wondering how did you get to have access to this data (SEC, US Bureau of Labor and so on)? I assume they have APIs to retrieve information about filings and other events? If so, are these APIs paid?
@sharonarrives Hi thanks, I will be more clear. I get the data by mining it straight from files hence why it took a long time build this. Its a complex distributed architecture of miners that do it. The official APIs they offer are incomplete, limited in scope, have limited data, and in some cases inaccurate. Everything I get is from raw files/filings that are mined as soon as they are published.
@angelena Whoever the main competitor is - call it the “Bloomberg” alternative 10x cheaper and 2x faster or whatever the metrics are and focus on the indie traders - cos they have lots of money. You need to pick a focus area and market to them.
@clarity123 Hi thanks, that's a good suggestion. I am currently re-designing the landing page to better describe my products use cases with examples, I think I'm getting some ideas for who the potential customers are.
@angelena Academics are going to be a hard sell.

When you publish on a dataset, you need to say where you got it from, and if that’s not from the owner it’s going to be a problem.
Can't figure out what it is exactly, why would someone use it? Is it for market api data from NASDAQ, ie equity pricing? How can a hobbyist algotrader benefit from your api?
@angelena Looks valuable to me, probably Target it toward hedge fund quants, Bloomberg terminal similar devs etc...

Also maybe apps where investors use it the most.

Ur gonna need a sales team for this. It will be hard.

Good luck
@angelena Not a client so take my advice lightly but I would build out a couple of use cases that might be interesting and potentially viral. Like a way of creating a custom signal or trendline that is readily shared - that illustrates a point. People could then easily embed your little graphic to prove their point, making it potentially viral.The WSB degenerates would probably bite at some hard data regarding a current trend that has little visibility. An example would be trucking/ logistics as a lead indicator for manufacturing and economy in general. How fucked is the economy really. Build a couple of custom signal or trend tools that are live that show something potentially viral. M1 money supply, stocks for billionaire bunkers, something that shows we are at the end of civilisation - you get the idea.

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