I got 6 years self taught experience with C, C#, C++, Python and HTML. what can I do to make 200-400$ a month...?

@vypr Hey man sorry for the late reply. Im currently abroad on holiday.

Ill send you over the design brief ive got drawn up and ive had my mate whos a graphic designer create me a logos so ill include all them with you.

Ill drop you a DM when im back in the UK sometime around 21st/22nd of December.

Perhaps we can set up a call to discuss it once you’ve had time to review what i send over.

We can discuss payment methods via DM - will stomach any transaction costs so you get the full thing, appreciate the back end support offer as well my mate.

Speak soon.

@vypr Start by networking within your area, get to know how your skills can fit in the industry you`re living in.. Create your portfolio incase when client are showing interest.... find problem to solve using your skills that will make companies to notices ..... make it more interesting and problem solving too.... #webapplication , #appdeveloping , #penetration test......hope you understand me.....

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