I got my first $999 client for my subscription design business - here's what I did

So many people just don’t read the laws and also blast out as many cold emails as possible to random potential clients.

I understand. I can read the laws a million times and recite them word-for-word and I'd still be scared shitless to do this, because sometimes shit just fucks up for no reason, ya know? And that's too big of a penalty.

I always just cold call. I can make 200 dials per day, and get 40 or 50 email addresses and get explicit permission, so if someone says yes, and gives me their email, maybe they could lie and say that I didn't but the odds of that in my estimation are almost non-existent. Could happen, but not worrying about that. Then I follow up with a phone call.

However, I do have a company I'm talking to that wants to do this type of blast email and asked me, and I'm just like....nah.
@jesusfan1 Definitely understand that. I’ve worked in this marketing at a major financial services company so I’m very familiar with how it works.

Cold calling is definitely effective, just takes a lot of time. Every strategy is different.
@jesusfan1 Also companies such as Mailchimp forbid cold emailing through their Terms of Service using their product to avoid potential legal issues. As a very accessible platform, it makes sense that if they did support cold emailing, one rule not followed by someone sending an email could result in lengthy legal repercussions.
@lucky9 Right. I know that. So while I read your other comment about the rules of cold emailing, how do YOU specialize in it? Most platforms are like mailchimp. Same with Constant Contact, etc. The company I use for my hosting is namecheap and they won't let you send more than 200 emails per hour.

Everyone is going this way, so how are you able to do this?

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