I have all these business ideas and yet I am stuck with these questions every single day:

@mari17 I agree, any business owner knows more about their business than any degree could teach. And that just would be their practical learnings.
@derf You have an idea. And ideas are worthless.

Implementation is everything.

You do NOT have a business plan.

Grit is starting a business, smarts not so much.
@dave62 Exactly how I feel. The business plan makes sense on paper and starting out isn’t much a logical step as its an emotional one. And the second part is just HEAVY!
@derf Could be a bit of imposter syndrome. check out recent HBR issue that addresses. FYI 12 year biz owner…same questions can still creep up.
@olaitan Any link to the specific article there are quite a few of them by HBR on imposter syndrome. I did read one though. Thank you does feel a lot like it.
I just want to thank all your minds for coming in and putting in your collective intelligence.. feels amazing to know so many people rooting for my success, like one big family even amidst all the criticism (which I wholeheartedly welcome). I am eternally grateful to every one of you for writing.
Its been a lonely journey for the last 3 years. Thank you so much. Means a lot to me.
@derf Hi there! I know starting a business can be scary and exciting at the same time. But you don't have to let your fears and doubts stop you from pursuing your dreams. Let me address some of the questions you have:
  1. You are smart enough to run a business if you have a passion for what you do, a willingness to learn from others, and a resilience to overcome challenges. Intelligence is not a fixed trait that you are born with. It is something that you can develop and improve through practice and experience. So don't let your self-doubt hold you back. Believe in yourself and your abilities.
  2. The idea is worth pursuing if it solves a problem for a specific group of people, if it has a unique value proposition, and if it has a potential market. You don't have to worry about wasting your time if you validate your idea before investing too much money or energy into it. You can do this by talking to your target customers, testing your assumptions, and getting feedback from mentors or peers. This way, you can learn quickly and pivot if needed.
  3. You will be able to devote the efforts it needs to run if you are passionate about the idea, if you have a clear vision and goals, and if you have a realistic plan and timeline.
Running a business requires hard work and dedication, but it doesn't have to consume your entire life. You can balance your personal and professional life by setting boundaries, prioritizing tasks, delegating responsibilities, and outsourcing some aspects of your business.
  1. You will not have to sacrifice your sleep and health to make it a success if you take care of yourself physically and mentally. Sleep is essential for your brain function, creativity, and productivity. Health is the foundation of your well-being and happiness.
You can maintain a healthy lifestyle by following a regular sleep schedule, eating nutritious food, exercising regularly, and managing stress. These habits will not only benefit your health, but also your business performance.
  1. You will be able to hire top talent if you have a compelling vision, a strong culture, and a competitive compensation package. Your college degree is not the most important factor in attracting and retaining talent.
What matters more is how you communicate your mission, values, and expectations, how you foster a positive and collaborative work environment, and how you reward and recognize your employees. You can also leverage your network, referrals, or online platforms to find qualified candidates.
  1. You will not lose interest in the idea if you are passionate about the problem you are solving, if you enjoy the process of building something from scratch, and if you celebrate your milestones and achievements.
Losing interest is normal when you face obstacles or setbacks, but it doesn't mean you should give up on your idea. You can reignite your enthusiasm by reminding yourself of why you started in the first place, by seeking inspiration from others who have succeeded in similar fields, and by acknowledging your progress and accomplishments.

I hope this helps you feel more confident and motivated about starting your own business. Remember that you are not alone in this journey. You can do this!
@derf You don't need to overanalyze everything. If you think that you have a good business idea, then go for it. In business, there are always risks, so be open to them. Use your experience and skills for your business; for sure, it will grow through your hard work. If you need a loan for your business, I can recommend a company that is really helpful. I got 230,000 CAD from them, which I used when I started my business. They are accommodating; I really recommend them!
@charlenel Hey thanks, yea I have been building at it slowly.
Infact it would mean a lot if you could answer a few questions on my survey. I’m trying to understand behaviour towards health tech in general.

Let me know once done. Thank you!

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