I Have Been Reformed By Watching John C. Bogle and Sam Walton


New member
I have ideas that I'm willing to sell for small percentages of profit to save the consumer a buck or two, but as you know, starving, disabled artists can't really monetize their creativity and are often not made for organizing organizations. I've fleshed out the concept all across the internet before I posted this and I have fleshed them out so don't try and steal them even through a game of telephone or I will defend my financial well-being.

Firstly, as a bargain of 1% of net profits in perpetuity for the rest of my life and the lives of my heirs.

A stream chat box advertising company with a concept I call intimate advertising. One can listen to the jokes, make funny quips while advertising a product or service and become friends with the viewers of each show (with a base unit of 30 viewers) on every premier of every video and every stream across the internet, available as advertising in chat replays as well.

I get that not every person enjoys math, but I enjoy math having to do with business.

3 20 second intervals every minute

60 seconds in an hour


180 divided by 0.1 (10 cents)


Every hour even at the absolute minimum would give the streamer 7.25 and the commentator 7.25 while splitting the remaining spoils evenly between the platform (let's say with twitch) and the company

But, here's the kicker:




and it can go up from there all the way to $2.00, but you would get less business with each interval up.




150 for the streamer, 150 for the commentator, 30 to the platform, thirty to the company.

It's an industry that could employ millions of people in incredibly high-paying jobs working only 7 hours a day. 7 hours at $150 an hour would mean that these employees would make $1,000 US, much like Henry Ford did, which would reduce turn-over and enable them to buy the product as well, as the main advertising will be for micro-multinationals that sell on platforms like Amazon, Alibaba and E-bay.

According to a cybernetic person ("AI" overview)

69.5% of employees would be happier if they had deeper connections with work colleagues.

Your friends will be fellow viewers reacting to everything like a real friend and may actually extend to real online friendships.

22.5 billion hours of streams are watched on streams every year.

Times 30 (per hour)

Divided by 30 (per 30 users)

22.5 (twitch)

365 (youtube)

387.5 (combined)

Divided by 30 (all)


387.5 billion dollars in gross (before taxes and expenses) profits and probably something comparable to Amazon or Apple's profits after all expenses are paid.

Anyone who wants this can DM me. All I ask for is 1% of its total net profits in per year every year for the rest of my life.

Edit: correcting for estimates

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